The last sale of 2023 was completed at "Bridlesdale" yesterday. There were 14 vendors, 135 lots and 89 registered bidders!! A great sale to finish of the year with many happy vendors and buyers! See you all again in 2024 !
Venue | "Bridlesdale" 820 Slacks Creek Road, Cooma NSW 2630 |
Account | W & J Crowe |
Inspect | 8am on the the day or as otherwise pre-arranged |
Register | 8am on the day or via pre-registration To pre-register for this auction, please contact our office, supply a scanned copy of your driver's license. |
Auction | Commencing at 9am | Saturday 25th November 2023 |
Catering | Provided |
Terms | Bidding card system | ID required |
Payment & Pickup | On the day |
Payment Methods | Cash & Bank Cheque or Personal Cheque (Must be pre-approved). EFTPOS facilities maybe available on the day. To register for pre-approval to pay with a Personal Cheque, please click here. |
Buyers | Please refer to terms and conditions |
Vehicles/Bikes/Trailers | Kolt50 Aeon 4-wheeler (kids); Navara Ute Tub; 2 x 4-wheeler new tyres (25 x 10 – 12); 2 x 4-wheeler new tyres (25 x 8 – 12); 1984 Land Cruiser Pass Seat; VW Car (not running, old); Camper trailer |
Machinery | Caterpillar 428D 2004 Backhoe (approx. 6,6259 hrs); Caterpillar 428D backhoe attachments (4in1 bucket, pallet forks, 3 x rear buckets, 2 x dig buckets, 1 x mud bucket); International TD9 Dozer (power shift, 130 HP, Perkins motor); International TD9 dozer attachments (rippers, tree pusher); Krone V1800MC Fortima Round Baler (net wrap, PTO); John Deer 566 Round Baler (string, PTO); Class Rollant 66 Round Baler (net wrap, PTO); Silvan 3PL Super Spreader (1/2 tonne, gal hopper); New Holland 9ft Mower Conditioner Model 489; International Combine (16 run, small seed box); Sitrex 3PL Hay Rake (6 wheel); Jarrett 3PL 5ft PTO Slasher; Massey Fergusson 55 Steel Wheel Combine; Massey Fergusson Sunshine 500 Rubber Tyre Combine; Lengths Grader Blade; |
Horse Saddlery | Square bale feeder; |
Building Materials, Workshop Equipment & Tools | Cement mixer (petrol Villers motor); Electric air compressor; 3 x Heavy Duty Floor Jacks; 2HP Petrol Generator 750W; Fluro lights; Solid timber door; Selection hand tools; Heavy chain; Steel Cable; Assorted Corrugated Iron; Heavy Rope; Wood Drop Saw; Fire Hoses; Oxy Razor Gas Kit; Onga Pump; Treated Pine Posts/Lengths; Scaffolding; Bricks; Miscellaneous tools; |
Farming Equipment & Materials | Honda Pneumatic Post Driver (4 stroke, 6 x 35); Round Bale Feeder; |
Outdoor Garden Equipment |
Victa VRX B/S 14.5HP 38” Cut Ride on Mower; 3 x Garden Gates; Whipper snipper; |
Household Items | Freezer; Furniture; |
Miscellaneous | Old Tonka Toys; Fish tank; Ferret Cages & Nets; |
1. W Moore | Land Cruiser Tray (suit a 2021 model) |
2. TVHR Pty Ltd |
Isuzu NPR 300 truck, 2002 model with heavy duty Dickinson stock crate. Details below: Truck – unregistered, approx. 516,000km, tare 3,200kg, GVM 6,200kg, used for short transport jobs in the area, new steering tyres, new drivers seat, new power steering pump, new clutch kit and fly wheel [April 2023], new diff [April 2021], tray 2450mm (w) x 4290mm (l), does have engine issues (videos available for viewing) Stock Crate – purchased new 2014, weight approx. 1,020kg, 2 pens for cattle/horses, 2 decks (4 pens) for sheep/goats, hand winch for sheep deck, interior LED light in crate, built in LED reversing light, length – 3940mm, width – 2300mm, height – 2000mm |
3. MB Doyle & LM Fletcher | 3 x Red Gum timber slabs (3.5m long); 1 x Stringy Bark timber slab (3.5m long); 22 x Hardwood sleepers (75mm x 175mm); Hardwood 4x2’s; Hardwood weather boards; Hardwood sheep grating; Rotary hoe (gearbox issues) |
4. Akuna Partnership |
Mitsubishi FK417/1996 Crew Cab - seats 7, Tare Weight 4450/ GVM9700/ GCM 1600, approx. 313,700km, Engine capacity 75000.0, Diesel engine was rebuilt by previous owner at around 300,000km, Heavy duty steel tray 4100mm x 2450mm, Gooseneck hitch, Bullbar, Towbar, Large steel box for tools, tack, feed etc with side and rear access door plus hay rack, Driving lights, UHF radio, Rear seat setup as sleeper currently, Registered 18 January 2024, has been an excellent tow vehicle for owners 4 horse gooseneck, would also suit builder or other trade, Comfortable drive, Only selling due to surplus to current requirements, Regularly serviced; 2 x Lister Nexus Pro overhead gear |
5. G Moore |
D22 Nissan Navara 2.5L Diesel Ute – 1 owner, first registered in Jan 2012, bulbar, tow bar, driving lights, winch, UHF radio, electric brakes, 2 inch lift, heavy springs (350kg constant load), builders bars, steel tray, reversing camera, registered util Jan 2024 |
6. W & M Skinner |
2011 Mitsubishi Triton 4WD Dual Cab 2.5L Diesel Ute (approx. 287,000km, recently rebuilt front diff and drivetrain, needs new head gasket, driveable, registered until 9th November 2023); 5ft PTO slasher (near new condition); 100L spray tank with electric motor hoses and gun |
7. The Pure Set |
Iveco Stralis 435 5 Bay Horse Truck with Living – Double bed, table/chairs with internal storage, stove, sink, shower, microwave, new reverse cycle air conditioner/ heater, dishwasher, full sized fridge, ample cupboard space, 15 & 10 amp power, generator, airbag suspension, water via hose & small water tank with external tap, hot water system, push button hydraulic tailgate, rubber and stallion dividers in horse bays, 10 months NSW registration, recently serviced and inspected with various small items fixed, approx. 470,000km, good working order, 12 speed auto/synchro gear box, 2 large tack boxes, trolley/cart storage, 2 external hay feed boxes, 3 large internal feed storage bins, BBQ in own storage, full set steel yards that run length of truck, tie points on both sides, sleeper in rear of cab, full curtains in cab, some new tyres, new batteries; Rocky Mountains 27.5 Mountain bike; Kubota Mower deck (Model RC48-62A); Approx. 180m white horse rail fencing and posts with fittings. |
8. D & S Scarlett |
Rotary hoe; Yamaha Electric bike; Kawasaki spray unit and spare tank on frame for back of ute; Polaris 90 Predator 2006 model |
9. A Mackay |
Double swag; Wicker wood basket on wheels |
10. R Hain |
Stevlyon Rotary 4 lamb cradles; 2 x 10ft Paton Round bale hay feeders |
11. G Shellard |
2012 CLAAS 420 Arion Tractor (recently serviced, new starter motor & battery, approx. 2,100 hours, UHF, 4WD, 100 hp); 2012 Hamm Roller |
12. W Mackay |
Massey Fergusson 188 Tractor (in good condition); 1999 Holden Rodeo 2.8 Diesel Ute (NSW rego, in good condition); Approx. 300 hexagon pavers; Approx. 500 rectangle pavers |
13. B Ashton |
International 756 Tractor |
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